This year marks the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the superstorm that devastated New Orleans and surrounding Louisiana areas. And though experts predict that 2015 will be a below-average Atlantic hurricane season, as Louisiana residents who remember the days following Katrina, we can’t help but err on the side of caution when it comes to staying prepared.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is 90% confident in its prediction that 2015 will be a light hurricane season. However, there is always the chance that an unpredictable storm could form and make its way inland. And, if that’s the case, here at Window World of Lake Charles we want to be prepared.
Not to mention, even if 2015 turns out to be a light hurricane season, it never hurts to take steps that will put you ahead of next year’s hurricane season. We’ve put together three ways to ensure your home, and your family, is prepared for a hurricane.
It’s always a good idea to have a first aid kit and emergency items on hand in case of any natural disaster. But, it’s an especially good idea to have an emergency kit prepared throughout hurricane season. The kit should contain anything that you, or your family, may need in the case of an emergency. This may include essential medicines, toiletries, a change of clothes, flashlights and batteries, a first aid kit and anything else that may be important to you. It’s also a good idea to stock at least a 2 week supply of water and non-perishable food for every member, and pet, of your family.
Though it may seem like a hefty investment upfront, it’s best to spring for high-quality materials when it comes to the structure of your home. Sturdy and durable windows, doors and vinyl siding will go a long way in protecting your home, and the people in it, in the case of harsh weather. In fact, Window World of Lake Charles offers hurricane impact windows that are designed to protect your home during a hurricane, or other heavy storms. And, our 4000 series reinforced vinyl siding has been tested to withstand weather conditions and high winds associated with a category 5 hurricane. Installing the right protection for your home is not just another expense, it’s an investment that will pay for itself over time.
Some storms may not necessarily merit evacuation, but in other cases it’s crucial to evacuate for your safety. If you live in an area that is vulnerable to hurricanes, or other harsh weather, it’s always a good idea to have a plan for evacuation. Sit down with your family to map out where you will evacuate to (location should be at least 50 miles inland), determine a non-family member contact that knows your plan and create a meeting place should anyone become separated. Also, keep important papers, like identification, birth certificates, marriage licenses and more in a safe and accessible place where you can grab them in the case of evacuation.
These are just a few tips to keep in mind as we enter the second half of hurricane season. And, as we said, it’s never a bad idea to go ahead and prepare for next year. If you are interested in installing hurricane impact windows, or want to learn more about our sturdy vinyl siding or other Window World products, contact our team today for a free in-home estimate. We want to help keep you, and your family, safe!